Recipes by Marianna

Grilled chicken fillets with artichokes & spiced feta & fenugreek pot

My memories of artichokes go hand in hand with memories of some kind of semi traumatic occurrence; bees, nettles, spikes. If it wasn’t the bees whose hives where just there it was the artichokes with their sharp spikes that got me. I thought I was careful and organised when I walked to the artichoke field after lunch. It was the best time in the day as Thia Koula and Thios Nikos went to sleep for an hour or so after…


A Feast by the sea…

Sea urchins with olive oil, lemon and fresh bread There is no recipe to this amazing sea delicacy. If you are lucky enough to get your sea urchins cleaned then perfect but if not just take a pair of scissors and insert the sharp end into the urchin on the side where you see a “button” shape forming. Then cut the round disc off the top as if you are removing its cap. If you are by the sea get…


Prawns with butter, brandy (Metaxa) & ginger

This is an excellent dish for real seafood lovers who have no fear of tucking into whole prawns and don’t hesitate to suck all the lovely juice from their shells. My only advice is don’t be shy, and also consider finger bowls…


Fisherman’s Soup – Kakavia

My first memories of eating Kakavia are not at home, but outdoors by the sea at Falasarna. My dad fished here a lot when I was little. Sometimes we would stay in shacks there in summer, or us kids would sleep on mattresses in the backs of cars. It was so much fun. We would have the freedom of running around the beach all day and after sundown we would play hide and seek for hours. Overnight my dad and…


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